Neil's tribute from the funeral

2020 July 23

Created by Helen 3 years ago
Mum was taken from us too soon but she had lived as full a
life as anyone can - everything she did, she did with enthusiasm whether in her professional or personal life.  She never hesitated to help a friend in need. She had a quickness and common sense which enabled her to always know how to deal with a situation.  She was passionate about education and the welfare of children and she wouldn’t tolerate poor standards - she was relentless in her dedication to making things better.  She commanded respect effortlessly and gave respect to everyone around her.  But she could be a fierce opponent. She once approached Neil Kinnock the then leader of the opposition, who happened to be in the same restaurant as us, to ask to discuss his education policy and the performance of her local MP.  He tried his best to argue but his wife ended up joining in agreement with mum. 

When she was with her family and friends she was the life and soul.
She loved laughing and joking.  She had a naughty side - she wanted children to have that spark of mischief that makes them misbehave and talk back.  She never lost this quality herself. Not many people know this but in her younger years she took a flexible interpretation of the Highway Code when she was in a hurry.  She could talk her way into places or out of trouble, always with a smile.  Her positivity and enthusiasm were infectious and disarming. 

But above all she was our mum - like Dad, she was relentlessly
loving and supportive.  She pushed us to be the best we could be in our academic lives but outside of that she spent every day trying to spoil and indulge us. And we got to see her do this all over again for her grandchildren and this provided some of our most precious memories of her. She couldn’t have been a better mother or grandmother.  Dad, Helen and I will miss her.